News Item One
26th Mar, 2020
Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, we realise that it is impossible to guarantee the safety of our people. With that being the primary concern, it would be irresponsible to expose runners to any risk of infection and therefore made the very unfortunate decision to cancel the 2020 edition of our Easter 100 training weekend.
All online entries made to date will be refunded.
In response to the President’s address earlier this evening, we have also decided to suspend all Thursday evening Time Trials and weekend club runs until after Easter.
Please note that this was not an easy decision to make but the safety of our members and families are of utmost importance.
We urge you to please use caution when interacting with one another and adhering to strict hygienic practises.
If you have any questions or concerns you can direct them to our Chairman Brett Coutts at or
We thank you for your continued support and understanding.